About Walter Benjamin and Franz Rosenzweig
Creation, Revelation and Redemption: Rosenzweig's point of view on History changes the judgment about the development of Time. It is conceived starting from a beginning, thought and wanted, which finishes in its fulfillment.
The Time as History is possible only thanks to the relationship between the Eternal, the first subjectivity, and what the Eternal causes, the all Creation and at first the humanity, the other subjectivity. History goes from the Creation to Redemption. In the middle the Revelation happens: God and Humanity as subjectivities of the meanwhile of salvation. God and Humanity together, as the only possibilities that the being can be and can be completely.
The Theses on the philosophy of history, in their intertwining with the Passages, constitute the texts around which Giuseppe Biscaglia's reflection on Walter Benjamin will revolve, starting with the 9th Thesis on the New Angel:
There is a painting by Klee entitled Angelus Novus. There is an angel who seems about to move away from something on which he fixes his gaze. His eyes are wide open, his mouth open, and his wings outstretched. The angel of history must look like this. He has his face turned to the past. Wherever a chain of events appears to us, he sees a single catastrophe, which ceaselessly piles up ruin upon ruin and overthrows it at his feet. He would very much like to stay, awaken the dead and recompose what was broken. But a storm is blowing from Paradise, which has caught itself in his wings, and is so strong that he can no longer close them. This storm irresistibly propels him into the future, to which his back is turned, while the pile of ruins before him grows skyward. What we call progress is this storm.
Mariangela Caporale is qualified as Associate Professor of Moral Philosophy, after a period of scientific research at Department of Philosophy "A.Aliotta" of the University "Federico II" in Naples. She obtained Phd and Post Phd on the connection between the Shoah and Christian Theology. She published her first work "La terra darà alla luce le ombre". La teologia cattolica e la Shoah: R.R Ruether, G.Baum, J.T.Pawlikowki (Giannini, 2005) . She is authores of several essays and translations about jewish-crhistian relationship (La Storia e l'Eterno: l'esperienza religiosa ebraica e cristiana nell'interpretazione di Franz Rosenzweig, Giannini 1996; traduzione e cura di J.B.Metz-E.Wiesel, Dove si arrende la notte. Un ebreo e un cristiano in dialogo. Dopo Auschwitz, Rubbettino 2011), about modern jewish thinking (Un Dio-uomo: il Gesù di Lèvinas, in Lévinas e la cultura del XX secolo, Giannini, 2000; « Se mi testimonierete, io sarò». Filosofia e teologia di fronte alla domanda della verità. Dopo Auschwitz, Giannini, 2003; Sulla creazione dal nulla. Scholem, la tradizione mistica e la filosofia, in Filosofia e critica della filosofia nel pensiero ebraico. Bilancio e prospettive, Giannini 2002), about revelation and philosophy the monograph Rivelazione (Guida 2008), the essay La rivelazione biblica: evento di Dio e grazia del prossimo. A partire da Franz Rosenzweig, in L'evento e la grazia, (Edizioni Inschibboleth 2021). In 2016 she published the monograph Povertà è sua madre. Ragione filosofica e Nuovo pensiero. (Aracne 2016). Her research affected also bioethics questions and she was Contract Professor of Bioethic at University "Federico II" in Naples. She is authores of several articles on metabioetic, bioethic of beginning and end of life and about bioethics rights.