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Compagnia teatrale Petra, Humana vergogna
Petra Theatre Company

Humana vergogna

29 October 2022, 11.00 am / 30 October 2022, 8.30 pm

Potenza, teatro F. Stabile

8 euro / reduced and matinée 6 euro [buy online]

Invention, dramaturgy and text Silvia Gribaudi and Matteo Maffesanti. Performers and contributions to artistic creation Antonella Iallorenzi, Ema Tashiro, Mariagrazia Nacci, Mattia Giordano, Simona Spirovska. Costume designers Silvia Gribaudi, Matteo Maffesanti and Lia Zanda. Advice for text Jeton Neziraj. Technical direction and lights Angelo Piccinni. Music The Black Keys, Matmos, Hespèrion XXI &, Jordi Savall, Philippe Jaroussky, Frank Bretschneider, Scott Ross, Brenda Lee, Sofi Tukker feat. Nervo The Knocks Alisa Ueno, Dennis Wilson and Taylor Hawkins. Laboratory artistic contributions Massimiliano Civica, Sharon Fridman/Carlos Peñalver, Rados aw Rychcik, Jakub Porcari. Equipment #reteteatro41 and Fondazione Matera-Basilicata 2019. Production Compagnia Teatrale Petra / Associazione Zebra. Promotion #reteteatro41.

The show is produced by #reteteatro41 and Matera European Culture Capital 2019, more than 9 shows took place in Matera Prison open to the citizens to transform a shame location in culture one.


The shame can repress what lowness doesn't forbid

Humana vergogna plays with the POP element and with the direct contact with audience.
Humana vergogna is a shame topic investigating performance, both individual and collective, through a drama construction created by Silvia Gribaudi and Matteo Maffesanti, the body turns into telling.
Humana vergogna leads the public into a recreational experience.
Humana vergogna is a study between collective and intimate shame, social and familial too.
Silvia Gribaudi e Matteo Maffesanti with hironic language linking dancing and theatre, developed this play in a creative process involving communities (prisoners too) they worked in.
The research method of autors is constantly connected to the territory hosting them.
Today viewer can enjoy creative ideas that put some questions on the table
When is right be ashamed of anything?
How many are the intimate human shames and how many are the possible poetic visions?
Where does the shame into beauty transformation take place?

petra humana vergogna v

Petra Theatre Company was founded in 2011 in Satriano di Lucania (Pz). Antonella Iallorenzi and Angelo Piccinni decided, on the strength of their long experience in the theatrical field gained over the years in Italy and abroad, to give life to a project of their own which, while maintaining a national profile, is deeply rooted in the Lucanian territory.
The company has in fact chosen to be based in a provincial town of 2,400 inhabitants, in Basilicata, and in its theatre it launches projects that are expanding both nationally and internationally, making its artistic vision interact with the various communities of reference.
Petra is one of the activators of the co-creation process of Matera Capitale Europea della Culltura 2019.