Massimo Amato e Fabio Orsi sono due musicisti tra i più affermati della scena ambient internazionale.
Amato, attivo da oltre un ventennio è un polistrumentista che esplora affascinanti e profonde melodie ambient. Intense contaminazioni modali ed orientali emergono tra le note generate da synth analogici, digitali e strumenti etnici come l’harmonium e il santoor.
Nelle composizioni di Fabio Orsi i linguaggi della tradizione popolare incontrano l'avanguardia della ricerca musicale con suoni sintetizzati e chitarre effettate.
A Potenza, per il Festival Città delle 100 Scale presenteranno in anteprima assoluta Inerte, un lavoro composto a 4 mani che uscirà il 22 settembre per la label Backwards Record.
In Inerte le ricerche dei due musicisti si fondono per creare una struttura narrativa inedita a tratti onirica con influenze provenienti da jazz, musica elettronica e tradizionale.
Ad accompagnare i due musicisti, in esclusiva per la serata al Museo Dinu Adamesteanu, Alessandra Guttagliere, artista visiva, poeta e scenografa che presenterà un'opera di fiori fatta di seta, Lunaria, Bougainvillea ed ispirata alle composizioni di Inerte.
Massimo Amato. Active musician for over twenty years, he is a multi-instrumentalist who explores fascinating and deep ambient melodies. Deep modal and oriental contaminations emerge between the notes generated by analogue and digital synths and ethnic instruments such as the harmonium and santoor. Under the moniker MONO-DRONE he released in 2005 the highly experimental album "All Inclusive" for the Norwegian TIBProd Netlabel. In 2006, the E.P. "Muddy Notes". The infinite love for rhythmic downtempo and the visceral affection for black music have given life to a personal and more intimate musical form between ambient, psychedelia, cosmic music and transcendental jazz that has seen light in the two albums for Affordable Inner Space.
After the first album recorded for the label in 2015 "La Centrale Elettrica", he returned in 2017 with his "In The Mood". A concentration of psychedelia, ethnic sensations, electronic music, funk rarefactions and jazz and post rock references. In 2019 the Pregnant Void, sub-label of the Apulian OUT-ER, decides to publish a collection of songs dating back to the period 2007/2010. The album entitled LOST SUNSETS has received the sincere appreciation of specialized critics. In 2021 "Ambient Loops" was released for Simona Faraone's New Interplanetary Melodies. The artist's musical activity is animated by countless collaborations with national and international artists. In September 2022 with Fabio Orsi he published “INERTE” on Backwards Records.
Fabio Orsi is an electronic musician from Naples specialising in atmospheric drone.In his compositions the languages of popular tradition meet the avantgarde approach, creating an original and charm mix.From the rugged coast of Naples, italy emerges one of the brightest stars in the italian underground. Fabio Orsi offers up a masterful journey of complex, organic drones and salutations to the sun, emotive guitar glances shoot off into the breeze like ancient magic being rekindled at birth.
Alessandra Guttagliere. Along with Orsi and Amato, Alessandra Guttagliere, artist of images, poet, scenographer, presents a dedicated work of flowers, made of silk, Lunaria and Bougainvillea.